Tired? Try This!
I have 3 kids under 4. Believe me, I know tired. I’ve spent many a night fantasizing about boarding school for toddlers.
In today’s world of mobile devices, social media, and 24/7 availability, even those of us without a house full of screaming infants are finding it harder and harder to sleep.
Below are 7 tips to improve your sleep hygiene, and get you that much closer to a blissful, consolidated, and restful snooze.
Routine: As tempting as it may be to stay up late on the weekends and sleep in later the next day, your body and brain crave routine. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
Lay off the bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol, especially in the evening, are associated with disrupted and poor quality sleep.
Lay off the good habits, too! Well, not really… But try not exercise right before bed.
Use common sense. Don’t have caffeine any time except for in the morning.
Get comfy. Make your bedroom cool, dark, and only for sleeping. Avoid having a computer, work-space, or television.
Disconnect. Avoid watching TV, using your phone, iPad or e-reader, or any other device that gives off light.
Don’t force it. If you can’t fall asleep, don’t toss and turn and stress yourself out. Get out of bed, do something relaxing (like meditation or a relaxation exercise), and try again when you’re ready.
That’s all. Now stop reading, and go to sleep!