No Bugs About It. Probiotics are everywhere.
Drug store, health food store, and even in your breakfast. But what are they, and do they actually do anything??
The intestine is like a big garden hose that runs through the body and contains a ton of bacteria. We commonly think of bacteria as a bad thing – bugs that cause disease.
The truth is, when it comes to bacteria, like most things in life, there are good ones, and there are bad ones.
The intestine acts as a barrier between the body and the outside world, keeping the bad bacteria out of the blood stream and the rest of the body. Within the intestine, the good bacteria, also known as probiotics, are like policemen, or peacekeepers. They make sure the bad bacteria don’t get out of control, and they protect the intestine from some of the effects of the bad bacteria, allowing the intestine to properly do its job. Some good bacteria go above and beyond, and even stimulate the body to make certain chemicals, like the ones it needs to fight inflammation or mediate pain.
So what does all of this mean – should you be taking a probiotic or investing in yogurt stock?
Tune in for Part 2 of this post to find out!